Tengteng Da

  1. ZOOD
  2. Fish Bone
  3. Random access memories
  4. The most  leisurely delivery boy 
  5. A Complex and strange feeling
  6. Dorment desire
  7. The flower-centred world
  8. the lost summer and dead poet
  9. Day three with the black butterfl
    About photographer
     Photo Book
     Email : dtt19940918@gmail.com
     Instagram: screenshootor

     ©Tengteng Da

I use a medium format film captured this series, which around family and personal memories. Flash, high temperature and pushing film fade away the rich black and white tones in the picture, leaving only bright grey, grey and dark grey. As with memory, after the repeated erosion of time will eventually become flat, the rest of the gray is soft. The original meaning of the Zu is a sacrificial utensil or a chopping board for cutting meat. I refer to it as a container with the attribute of time. The Zu can be a cutting board, a kitchen knife, or even a person.  ZOOD  is a combanation of  Chinese word Zu and  wood.

我用中画幅的佳片相机拍摄了这个系列,它围绕着家庭和个人的记忆。闪光灯、高温和迫冲淡化了画面中丰富的黑白色调,只留下明亮的灰色、灰色和深灰色。就像记忆一样,经过时间的反复侵蚀,最终会变得平淡,剩下的灰色是柔和的。俎的原意是祭祀用具或切肉的砧板。我将其称为具有时间属性的容器。祖可以是一块砧板、一把菜刀,甚至是一个人。 ZOOD是中文俎的拼音Zu和英文木头wood的组合。

©️Tengteng Da


